About sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing


Genital chlamydia infection is the most common STD in Japan.
Other infections such as gonorrhea, HIV and syphilis are also common.
Especially for syphilis, the number of infected patients has been rapidly increasing throughout Japan, and the number of reported cases is now the largest since a survey based on the Infectious Disease Law was started in 2021.

Many people feel that STDs have nothing to do with them; however, anyone can become infected, even if they have only had sexual intercourse once.
These diseases are more common in Japan than people think. Approximately 1 out of 10 persons is infected with HPV and 1 out of 20 is infected with chlamydia. There are often cases where people without any symptoms are surprised to find they are positive if they happen to get tested, so we recommend regular testing.

Reception hours at each clinic

Shibuya Clinic: Outpatient reception hours


MY Medical Clinic Shibuya 03-4213-721903-4213-7219
MY Medical Clinic Otemachi 03-4213-726503-4213-7265
MY Medical Clinic Yokohama Minatomirai 03-4213-723503-4213-7235
Reception hours Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Holidays
(Consultations begin at 8:45)
16:30~20:00 × × ×

*No-consultation days and times: Saturday evening, Sunday evening, holidays

*The Ladies Outpatient Department (Department of Gynecology) examines patients on Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday mornings and afternoons, and the Breast Health Clinic examines patients on Saturday mornings.

Otemachi Clinic: Outpatient reception hours


Reception hours Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Holidays
Mornings: 9:00~12:30 × × ×
Afternoons: 13:30~16:30 × × ×
Evenings: 18:00~20:00 × × ×

*No-consultation days: Saturdays, Sundays, holidays

*The Ladies Outpatient Department (Department of Gynecology) examines patients on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Yokohama Minatomirai Clinic: Outpatient reception hours


Reception hours Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Holidays
Mornings: 9:00~12:30 × ×
Afternoons: 13:30~16:30 × ×
Evenings: 18:00~20:00 × × ×

*No-consultation days and times: Saturday evening, Sundays, holidays

*The Ladies Outpatient Clinic (Department of Gynecology) examines patients every Tuesday and Friday.

Consultations for STD testing

STD tests

Complete STD testing

This is a set menu that allows you to perform a number of STD tests all together.
It is recommended for people who want to be tested for all typical STD.

Available to: Test items Testing method Cash (tax included)
Men HIV syphilis hepatitis B hepatitis C herpes chlamydia (throat and genital) gonorrhea (throat and genital) mycoplasma (genital) ureaplasma (genital) candida trichomonas general bacteria HPV (women only) Blood sampling, urinalysis, and throat test ¥35,200
Women HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, herpes, chlamydia (throat and genital), gonorrhea (throat and genital), mycoplasma (genital), ureaplasma (genital), candida, trichomonas, general bacteria, HPV (women only) Blood sampling, vaginal test, and throat test ¥38,500

Individual STD tests (various)

You can also choose to take STD tests one by one.
This is recommended for persons who only want to receive certain tests or certain custom combinations of tests.

Testing fee

Individual STD tests (various)


Test items Cash (tax included) Available to: Testing method Results
HIV ¥5,500 Both men and women Blood sampling In a minimum of 1 week
Syphilis ¥3,300 Both men and women In a minimum of 1 week
Hepatitis B ¥3,300 Both men and women In a minimum of 1 week
Hepatitis C ¥3,300 Both men and women In a minimum of 1 week
Herpes ¥5,500 Both men and women In a minimum of 1 week
Chlamydia (throat/genital) ¥2,200 Both men and women Throat: Gargle
Throat: Gargle
Genital organs: vagina (female)
In a minimum of 1 week
Neisseria gonorrhoeae (throat/genital) ¥2,200 Both men and women In a minimum of 1 week
Ureaplasma (genital) ¥3,300 Both men and women In a minimum of 1 week
Candida ¥4,400 Both men and women Genital organs: urine (male)
Genital organs: vagina (female)
In a minimum of 1 week
Mycoplasma (genital) & trichomonas ¥5,500 Both men and women In a minimum of 1 week
General bacteria ¥3,300 Both men and women In a minimum of 1 week
HPV (high risk) ¥5,500 Women Vagina In a minimum of 1 week

About STD tests

Individual STD test items

Blood samplingHIV
HIV is the abbreviation for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV destroys the immune function that protects the body from bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, etc. If a person becomes infected with HIV, their immune function will be compromised. In a few years or as many as 10 years, as a result of decreased immune function, the HIV-infected person will become infectible with bacteria and viruses that a health immune system would easily fight off, and various diseases will develop. If one such disease corresponds to an AIDS-defining condition, the patient will be diagnosed with AIDS.
Learn more about HIV
Blood samplingSyphilis
Syphilis is an infection caused by a pathogen called Treponema pallidum. Infection mainly occurs around the genital area, oral mucosa, and pharynx and causes symptoms.
Learn more about syphilis
Blood samplingHepatitis B
Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV).
Learn more about hepatitis B
Blood samplingHepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV).
Learn more about hepatitis C
Blood samplingHerpes
Herpes is an infection caused by the herpes virus.
This disease infects the skin, mucosa, and genitals and causes symptoms such as redness, blisters, and neuralgia.
In herpes testing, a blood test is performed to test for herpes simplex virus (HSV) antibodies.
Learn more about herpes
Chlamydia is an infection caused by a pathogen called Chlamydia trachomatis. It primarily infects the urethra, cervix, and pharynx, causing symptoms. Chlamydia infection has few subjective symptoms, but it may spread from the cervix through the fallopian tube into the peritoneal cavity. There adhesions may form and cause infertility. Vaginal discharge will be collected and examined for the presence of Chlamydia trachomatis.
Learn more about chlamydia
Gonorrhea is a type of infection caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which causes inflammation mainly in the reproductive organs. It primarily infects the urethra in men, the cervix in women, the pharyngeal mucosa, and rarely, the eyes, etc.
Learn more about gonorrhea
Mycoplasma is an infection caused by pathogenic bacteria called Mycoplasma hominis and Mycoplasma genitalium. Mycoplasma pneumonia is caused by a pathogen called Mycoplasma pneumoniae and therefore is different from mycoplasma, which is a STD. It primarily infects the urethra in men, the cervix in women, and the pharyngeal mucosa, etc.
Learn more about mycoplasma
Ureaplasma is an infection caused by pathogenic bacteria called Ureaplasma parvum and Ureaplasma urealyticum. It primarily infects the urethra in men, the cervix in women, and the pharyngeal mucosa, etc.
Learn more about ureaplasma
Candida is an infection of the genitals caused by fungus of the genus Candida, a kind of mold. It infects mainly the urethra and the skin around the genitals in men, and the cervix and the skin around the genitals in women. Self-infection due to normal inhabitant is common, but it is also caused by sexual contact.
Learn more about candida
Trichomonas is a type of STD in which an organism called a protozoan enters the genital organs and causes inflammation. Trichomonas is a type of parasite that lives in the prostate, seminal vesicle, and urethra in men, and in the vagina, cervix, bladder, and urethra in women.
Learn more about trichomonas
Urine/VaginaGeneral bacteria
The general bacterial test is a test to check for bacteria in general (except for chlamydia gonorrhea, mycocplasma, ureaplasma, candida, and trichomonas). Bacteria can also be transmitted during sexual activity, and this test identifies the types of bacteria and drugs effective against them.
Learn more about general bacteria
HPV stands for human papilloma virus and is a virus that invades minute wounds on the skin and mucosa to cause warts, etc. More than 100 types (genotypes) of HPV exist, and some types of HPV are known to cause cervical cancer. From the viewpoint of the risk of developing cervical cancer, HPV can be classified into the high-risk type and low-risk type. In HPV testing, vaginal secretions are collected to see if a high-risk HPV group is present.
Learn more about HPV

What you need to bring with you at the time of the examination

  1. 1. Health insurance card
  2. 2. If you are eligible for a medical subsidy, your medical voucher or medical subsidy recipient certificate
  3. 3. Letter of referral
  4. 4. Medication notebook (If you do not have one, please bring the drugs you are currently taking)
  • It is mandatory that we check at your medical insurance institution to confirm the validity of your insurance card at the beginning of each month.

  • If your health insurance card cannot be confirmed, your care cannot be handled as insured medical treatment.

    We also cannot accept copies of insurance cards.

    In these cases, you will need to pay for your medical expenses out-of-pocket, but if you bring your insurance card before the specified date, you will be reimbursed.

  • Since we are not a designated workers’ compensation institution, you cannot use workers’ compensation here.

  • We accept the following credit cards: JCB, Amex, VISA, MasterCard, Diners, and DISCOVER.

About waiting time

We give priority to patients who have appointments, so those that do have appointments will be seen first.

Your waiting time may vary depending on the nature or your medical examination and treatment.

Please be advised that waiting times may be longer when the clinic is crowded.

Online outpatient appointments